Arts and Design
Career Areas > Arts and Design
Do you have a creative flair and like to use your imagination? Maybe you enjoy designing or making things using different materials. If you have good practical ability or always have some sort of creative idea going through your head, then art and design is a great career area for you to think about.
Artists and designers are involved in designing and creating almost everything we buy, from book covers to high fashion and furniture. They create works of art in many different forms, from paintings and textiles to sculptures and photographs.
To see the routes to getting into each of these sectors, take a look at our Career Areas.
What areas can I work in?
You can work in areas such as furniture design, book illustration, animation, or household appliance design, as well as fashion design and special effects for films and TV.
Art and design roles fall into the following areas: 3-dimensional design, fashion or textile design, fine art or graphic design, interior design or display and photography.
What kind of companies can I work for?
Possible employers include:
- museums, art galleries and cultural heritage organisations
- advertising, publishing and marketing agencies
- architectural, interior and graphic design agencies
- textile and knitwear manufacturers
- theatres, broadcasting and film media companies
- digital design and media companies
- teaching and educational institutions.
Related job profiles
- Ceramic Designer
- Craft Designer
- Ergonomist
- Florist
- Furniture Designer
- Glass Designer or Maker
- Jewellery Designer
- Model Maker
- Picture Framer
- Product Designer
- Sculptor
- Teacher - Secondary School - Design and Technology/Technological Education
Related job profiles
- Costume Designer
- Fashion Designer
- Tailor or Dressmaker
- Teacher - Secondary School - Home Economics
- Textile Designer
Related job profiles
- Animator
- Character Artist
- Fine Artist
- Graphic Designer
- Illustrator
- Previsualisation Artist
- Scenic Artist
- Scientific or Technical Illustrator
- Sculptor
- Signwriter
- Storyboard Artist
- Teacher - Secondary School - Art and Design
Related job profiles
- Exhibition Designer
- Interior Designer
- Set Designer
- Visual Merchandiser
Related job profiles
- Clinical Photographer
- Photographer
- Photographic Stylist
- Administration and Management
- Animals, Land and Environment
- Art and Design
- Arts, Social Sciences and Languages
- Buying, Selling and Related Work
- Communications and Media
- Computing and ICT
- Construction
- Engineering
- Finance
- Garage Services
- Hairdressing, Beauty and Well-being
- Health and Medicine
- Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism
- Housing, Property and Facilities
- Information, Culture and Heritage
- Law
- Manufacturing Industries
- Performing Arts
- Personal and General Services
- Science and Mathematics
- Social Caring and Advisory Services
- Sport
- Teaching and Classroom Support
- Transport and Distribution
- Uniformed and Security Services
- Personal Development