Grampian Careers Page

Discover rewarding opportunities at Grampian. Explore our diverse careers and join a dynamic team committed to growth and excellence.


  1. Aberdeen Grammar School
  2. Bridge of Don Academy
  3. Bucksburn Academy
  4. Cults Academy
  5. Dyce Academy
  6. Harlaw Academy
  7. Hazlehead Academy
  8. Lochside Academy
  9. Northfield Academy
  10. Oldmachar Academy
  11. St Machar Academy

School Leavers

  1. SDS Next Step: Next Steps is the name given to the SDS service offer to unemployed seeking young people aged 15 – 18.5 years (15 – 25 inclusive for Care Experienced Customers). All unemployed young people in this age group seeking employment are offered the Next Steps service.


    This is our contribution within the Opportunities for All framework to ensure unemployed young people receive relevant person-centred, timely and proactive support to meet their needs and build their capacity to participate in managing and developing their career


  2. Ut enim ad minima veniam(DWP)

Learning & Training

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