10 Powerful Ways Dads Can Become Everyday Heroes to Their Kids

1. How can dads make more time for their kids despite a busy schedule? 📅

2. What are some effective ways dads can encourage their children? 💬

3. Why is showing vulnerability important for dads? 🤗

4. How can dads build a foundation of trust with their children? 🤝

5. How can dads incorporate fun into their parenting? 🎉

see all the answers below

Being a successful father is a yearning most men share. Dads work tirelessly to provide and care for their families, but sometimes, a little guidance can go a long way in strengthening that father-child bond. Here’s the secret: Dads have the incredible power to become everyday heroes to their kids. It takes dedication, patience, and a whole lot of love, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Let’s move beyond the stereotypes this Father’s Day and focus on building strong, meaningful relationships. Here are 10 ways dads can become the heroes their children need, with specific tips and examples to bring each point to life:


1. Be Present: The Gift of Your Time ⏰

There’s no substitute for your presence. Dads often juggle work, hobbies, and commitments, but remember, your kids won’t remember those missed moments down the line. They need you. Here’s how to show up:

  • Schedule regular one-on-one time: Dedicate a specific weekly evening for a “Dad and Me” activity. This could be grabbing ice cream, going for a bike ride, or simply reading a book together.
  • Put down the phone: Be present when you’re with your kids. Avoid distractions like work emails or social media. Give them your undivided attention and listen actively.
  • Be there for the milestones (big and small): School plays, soccer games, science fairs—these moments matter. Make an effort to cheer them on, even if it means rearranging your schedule.

How can dads make more time for their kids despite a busy schedule? 📅

Dads can prioritise their time by scheduling regular one-on-one activities, putting away distractions like phones, and being present for important milestones such as school events or sports games.

2. Master the Art of Encouragement: Building Confidence 🌟

Parents naturally use “don’t” and “can’t” to keep kids safe. However, children crave positive reinforcement. Celebrate their victories, no matter how small. Here’s how to be their biggest cheerleader:

  • Focus on effort, not just outcome: Did your daughter struggle but persevere in finishing her art project? Acknowledge her dedication and hard work, not just the final grade.
  • Use specific praise: Instead of a generic “good job,” say, “I loved how you helped your teammate during the game! It showed great sportsmanship.”
  • Celebrate their unique talents: Does your son excel at building elaborate Lego structures? Find opportunities to showcase his passion. We could even create a giant creation together!

3. Embrace Your Humanity: Imperfections Make You Real 🤗

Dad, it’s okay to admit mistakes! Apologising shows your kids you’re human and allows them to see how to take responsibility for their actions. Here’s how to embrace your imperfections:

  • Own up to your mistakes: If you lose your temper, apologise and explain how you’ll handle the situation differently next time.
  • Let them see you learn: Trying a new recipe and it turns out disastrous? Don’t sweat it! Laugh it off and talk about how you’ll improve next time.
  • Be vulnerable: Share your struggles and fears with your kids in an age-appropriate way. This will show them you’re not invincible and foster open communication.

What are some effective ways dads can encourage their children? 💬

Dads can focus on their children’s efforts rather than outcomes, provide specific praise, and celebrate their unique talents. For instance, acknowledging hard work on a school project or recognising a child’s skill in a hobby like building Lego structures can boost confidence.

4. Build a Foundation of Trust: The Two-Way Street 🛤️

Trust is a two-way street. Earn it by being dependable and consistent. But trust can also be a gift. Extend it to your children as they grow, fostering their independence and maturity. Here’s how to build a foundation of trust:

  • Keep your promises: If you say you’ll take them to the park on Saturday, make it happen (unless there’s a truly unavoidable reason).
  • Be honest and open: Don’t sugarcoat the truth or make empty threats. Explain situations honestly and in a way they can understand.
  • Give them age-appropriate responsibility: Let your son help you mow the lawn, or your daughter set the dinner table. As they get older, they gradually increase their responsibilities to cultivate a sense of ownership.

5. Show Your Soft Side: Hugs, Not Just High Fives 🤗💕

Gone are the days of the emotionless “macho man.” Children need affection and vulnerability from their dads. Hugs, kisses, and open displays of emotions create lasting bonds. Here’s how to show your soft side:

  • Initiate physical touch: Cuddle on the couch during a movie night, give them a goodnight kiss or offer a comforting hug when they’re feeling down.
  • Say “I love you” often: Don’t be shy about expressing your affection. Let your kids know they are loved and cherished.
  • Celebrate emotional intelligence: Talk about your feelings and encourage them to do the same. Help them identify emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Why is showing vulnerability important for dads? 🤗

Showing vulnerability helps children understand that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them. It also fosters open communication and teaches kids to take responsibility for their actions by seeing their dad admit and apologise for his mistakes.

6. Cherish Your Wife: Setting the Relationship Tone 💑

Your relationship with your spouse sets the tone for your entire family. Show your wife respect, kindness, and love. This not only makes your marriage stronger, but it also teaches your children healthy relationship dynamics. Here’s how to cherish your wife:

  • Express gratitude: Thank your wife for all she does, both verbally and through actions.
  • Show her affection: Don’t let the spark fade! Hold hands, give her compliments, and plan special date nights.
  • Model a healthy partnership: Work together on household chores, make decisions collaboratively, and show each other respect even during disagreements.

7. Respect Those in Authority: Leading by Example 👮‍♀️👨‍🏫

Children learn by example. Respect authority figures like teachers, police officers, and even your parents. Your behaviour will shape their values and how they interact with the world. Here’s how to show respect for authority:

  • Speak positively about teachers and coaches. Even if you disagree with a decision, avoid criticising them in front of your kids. Instead, discuss how to communicate their concerns respectfully.
  • Follow the rules: Model good behaviour, whether it’s speeding limits or library quiet times. Explain the importance of rules and why we follow them.
  • Show respect for your parents (if applicable): If you have a complicated relationship with your parents, focus on respectful communication. This doesn’t mean blind obedience but demonstrates maturity and sets a positive tone.

How can dads build a foundation of trust with their children? 🤝

Dads can prioritise their time by scheduling regular one-on-one activities, putting away distractions like phones, and being present for important milestones such as school events or sports games.

8. Lead by Faith (if applicable) 🙏

For dads who are religious, take charge of your children’s spiritual development. Discuss faith, values, and morals. Let your own life reflect the importance of your beliefs. Here’s how to integrate faith into your family life:

  • Incorporate religious practices: Attend worship services together, pray before meals, or read scripture as a family.
  • Discuss moral dilemmas: Use real-life examples or stories from your faith to discuss right and wrong. Help your children develop a strong moral compass.
  • Live by your faith: Be a role model. Show how your faith translates into your actions and decisions.

9. The Bible as a Guide (if applicable) 📖

As you invest in your children’s education, invest in their moral compass. The Bible offers valuable life lessons. Dedicate time to reading stories together, discuss scriptures they read independently, and let the Bible be a guiding light (applicable to dads who follow the Bible). Here’s how to make the Bible a part of your family life:

  • Start with age-appropriate stories: Begin with simple tales like Noah’s Ark or David and Goliath. As they grow older, they delve into more complex themes.
  • Make it interactive: Ask questions, encourage discussion, and relate the stories to your children’s lives. Help them see the relevance of these lessons.
  • Family Bible study: Dedicate a specific time each week to read and discuss scripture together. This can be a great way to bond and learn as a family.

How can dads incorporate fun into their parenting? 🎉

Dads can plan family game nights, be spontaneous with fun activities like park trips or movie marathons, and embrace silliness by telling jokes or building blanket forts. These activities create joyful memories and strengthen the father-child bond.

10. Embrace Fun!: Laughter is the Best Medicine 😂🎉

Life isn’t all serious. Dad, have fun with your kids! Laugh at silly jokes, play games, and create happy memories. Let loose and show your children the joy of spending time with you. Here’s how to inject some fun into your dad’s life:

  • Plan family game nights: Dust off the board games, break out the video games or get active with charades or Pictionary.
  • Be spontaneous: Surprise your kids with a trip to the park, an ice cream sundae date, or a movie marathon in your pyjamas.
  • Embrace silliness: Tell knock-knock jokes, have dance parties in the living room, or build the most epic blanket fort ever!

By incorporating these tips and showering your kids with love, you’ll create a bond that will last a lifetime. Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there who strive to be everyday heroes for their children!

What's the most important quality for a dad to be an everyday hero to his kids?

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Sam Soyombo
Sam Soyombo

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Articles: 351


  1. I find this blog very interesting. Just as it was indicated in the blog, father’s are heroes.

    In Africa, majority of homes are not in good terms because most fathers don’t really have all these attributes. They feel because they are man of the house they cannot be questioned. And this has really put so much fear in this kids which makes them not to have this close relationship with their father.

    My question is how can sure case be treated. Where by a child which has so much fear to talk to his/her father because they don’t have close relationship with him.

  2. Thank you for this insightful blog post!

    Yesterday, I took the time to reflect on my father’s journey and the sacrifices he’s made for our family. I’ve come to appreciate and honor him for his unwavering dedication. While he may not be the most fun-oriented father, his strictness has had a positive impact on us, teaching us discipline and responsibility. However, I realize now that it also made us a bit unsociable. This blog has opened my eyes to new ways of being a superhero father – one who balances discipline with playfulness, structure with spontaneity, and responsibility with relaxation. I’m grateful for the lessons learned and look forward to applying them in my own journey as a father.

  3. This blog opened my eyes to the attributes that would have strengthened my relationship with my dad, but he’s late now.
    I shared this blog with my family and friends already; I really wish fathers could follow these 10ways and become their children’s everyday heroes. Thanks for sharing, Sam!

  4. I appreciate the author’s insightful blog post on how dads can become everyday heroes to their kids. I learned that being present, encouraging, and vulnerable are essential qualities for building a strong father-child bond. The practical tips and examples provided will help dads prioritize their time, celebrate their children’s unique talents, and create lasting memories. Thank you for sharing your expertise and inspiring us to be better parents!

  5. Hi Daniel, thanks for engaging.
    To answer your question; For a child to have fear in relating to his father, he/she must have suffered mental health issues which could lead to low self-esteem, lack of confidence and social isolation.
    Way out:
    • Father’s should be more friendly and correct their children in love.
    • Let the child feel important and special again to restore his/her self-esteem.
    I came across a blog that encourages parenting the right way, you will definitely find more answer; here is the link:https://samsoyombo.com/5-ways-to-guide-your-child/
    Let me know if you find it helpful!

  6. Thank you for your response Mercy and also providing a solution. The link you sent also will be of good help.

  7. Hi Daniel,
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. You’re right; many children in Africa and worldwide struggle with having a close relationship with their fathers due to various reasons like fear, lack of communication, and authoritarian parenting styles.

    To address this issue, consider the following steps:

    1. Open communication: Encourage the father to listen and communicate effectively with his child, creating a safe and non-judgmental space for expression.
    2. Emotional intelligence: Help the father develop emotional intelligence to understand and manage his own emotions, responding appropriately to his child’s feelings.
    3. Empathy and validation: Encourage the father to show empathy and validate his child’s emotions, helping the child feel heard and understood.
    4. Quality time: Encourage the father to spend quality time with his child, engaging in activities they both enjoy, fostering bonding and connection.
    5. Counseling or therapy: Consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor to address underlying issues and improve communication and relationship dynamics.
    6. Mother’s support: If the mother is involved, encourage her to support and facilitate positive interactions between the father and child.
    7. Patience and consistency: Rebuilding a relationship takes time, effort, and consistency. Encourage the father to be patient and committed to the process.

  8. Isaac, I’m glad reading your comment. Thank you for sighting out this various steps to take in having a good father and child relationship.

  9. Hi Daniel, I am glad to read your comments, especially, the part where you wrote that the link I shared was helpful. Cheers!

  10. As a young woman and a student, I found this article incredibly insightful. It’s refreshing to see practical advice on how dads can actively engage with their children beyond just providing for them. The emphasis on being present and making time for one-on-one activities really resonated with me. It’s evident that these efforts can have a profound impact on a child’s development and emotional well-being.

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

  11. Hi Anita, I am glad you find this blog interesting and impactful. Yes, the role of a dad is very important in a child’s life. Some children are fatherless not because their father is dead but because their father is not alive in their lives. Therefore, creating time to be with them like you mentioned is key.

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