Category Personal Effectiveness

internal dialogue

Mastering Your Internal Dialogue: The Ultimate Key to Self-Management and a Joyful Life

1. What is internal dialogue? 2. How does negative self-talk affect self-management? 3. What are some strategies to challenge negative thoughts? 4. How can mindfulness help in managing internal dialogue? 5. Why is it important to cultivate a positive internal…

Read MoreMastering Your Internal Dialogue: The Ultimate Key to Self-Management and a Joyful Life
post-secondary options

Beyond the Degree: A Critical Analysis of Post-Secondary Options for African School Leavers

1. What are some alternative educational paths besides a full-time university degree? 2. Should I prioritise a degree or practical skills for the job market? 3. How can I balance work and studies? 4. What if I can’t afford a…

Read MoreBeyond the Degree: A Critical Analysis of Post-Secondary Options for African School Leavers