May Day: A Global Celebration of Workers, A Personal Journey of Reflection (A Coach’s Perspective)

May Day is a day to celebrate workers and reflect on your own career. Which of these areas would you most like to focus on for improvement?

Every year, the arrival of May 1st ushers in a global celebration of workers’ rights and contributions. From vibrant rallies to quiet moments of reflection, May Day is a powerful reminder of the human spirit behind the labour that fuels our economies and societies. As a careers coach, I see this day as more than just commemorating past struggles – it’s a potent opportunity for individual reflection. It’s a chance to assess the work we do and the impact it has on our well-being and the trajectory of our career journeys.

may day

A Tapestry of Significance: May Day Around the World

The history of May Day stretches back centuries, evolving alongside the changing landscape of work. Rooted initially in ancient spring festivals celebrating fertility and renewal, it became a day of labour activism during the Industrial Revolution. Today, May Day holds diverse meanings across the globe, serving as:

  • A Celebration of Achievements: Workers use this day to showcase their collective power and their vital role in national development. Parades, rallies, and demonstrations are common scenes, often accompanied by calls for better working conditions, fair wages, and social justice.
  • A Call for Action: May Day highlights the persisting challenges workers face worldwide, from workplace safety and discrimination to the fight for a living wage and secure employment.
  • A Day for Solidarity: It reminds us of the interconnectedness of the global workforce. From factory workers to healthcare professionals, teachers to sanitation workers, May Day unites people in their shared experience of work and aspirations for a better future.

The Nigerian Context: A Focus on Local Challenges

May Day is significant in Nigeria, a vibrant nation with a young and rapidly growing workforce. With an estimated 21 million unemployed people, according to a 2023 World Bank report, job creation and access to opportunities remain pressing concerns. May Day rallies in Nigeria often raise voices for:

  • Improved Work Conditions: This includes ensuring workers’ safety, addressing issues of exploitation, and advocating for fair treatment in the workplace.
  • Skill Development and Training: Equipping the workforce with relevant skills is crucial for economic growth and employability.
  • Social Security and Benefits: Access to healthcare, pensions, and other social safety nets creates a more secure work environment.

Beyond these broad concerns, however, lies the individual story of every Nigerian worker. As a careers coach working in Nigeria, I encourage you to use May Day as a springboard for self-reflection.

From Worker to Career Champion: A Coach’s Guide to Personal Reflection

The daily grind can easily obscure the bigger picture. May Day offers a chance to step back and reassess your work life from a broader perspective. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • Work and Purpose: Does your current role align with your values and sense of purpose? Are you contributing to something meaningful? Consider how the work you do satisfies your aspirations on a personal level.
  • Fulfilment and Challenge: Does your work keep you engaged and challenged? Are you learning new things and developing your skillset? A stagnant work environment can lead to boredom and a lack of motivation.
  • Wellbeing Check: How does your work environment impact your mental and physical health? Is the workload manageable? Do you experience stress or burnout? Remember, a healthy and balanced life fuels a productive career.
  • Career Trajectory: Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Does your current role offer opportunities for growth and advancement? If not, what steps could you take to get closer to your career goals?

Taking Action: Tips for Building a Fulfilling Work Life

Once you’ve taken the time for introspection, it’s time to translate insights into action! Here are some practical steps you can take to create a more fulfilling work life:

  • Open Communication: Schedule a meeting with your supervisor to discuss your reflections on your work and express your needs for growth and development. Open dialogue can lead to positive changes within your current role.
  • Upskilling and Reskilling: The world of work is constantly evolving. Explore opportunities to learn new skills relevant to your field or potential career paths. Online courses, workshops, and professional certifications are great options to consider.
  • Building Your Network: Connect with people in your industry, both online and offline. A strong network can open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable career advice.
  • Work-Life Balance: Set clear boundaries and carve out time for rest and activities that nourish you outside of work. A healthy person is a more productive and motivated worker.
  • The Power of “No”: Don’t be afraid to say no to unreasonable workloads or tasks that fall outside your skillset. Protecting your time and energy is crucial for long-term success.

May Day: A Journey of Reflection and Action

May Day is a yearly reminder that our work is more than a cheque. It’s a part of our identity, a way to contribute to society, and a stepping stone towards our goals. By taking the time to reflect and act on our insights, we can ensure that our work life is not just sustainable but truly fulfilling.

Happy Workers Day!


If you could change one thing about your current work situation, what would it be and why?

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Sam Soyombo
Sam Soyombo

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Articles: 296


  1. This blog post truly opened my eyes to the deeper meaning of May Day! I never realized the rich history and purpose behind the Workers’ Day holiday we celebrate each year.

    As regards the reflective question, If I could change one thing, it would be to have more cross-disciplinary collaboration. As a graphics designer, fresh ideas are key. Working with other fields could spark innovation and lead to stronger designs.

  2. I’m quite impressed with the resourcefulness of this website and the blogs. I like the ideas that have been flagged up for discussion and meditation. Please keep this up. Thank you. Kudos to you, Mr Soyombo.

  3. May 1st, what comes to my mind at first is, ohhh it’s holiday time, I am just going to rest from all the work load and activities I have gotten from my place of work (Should I say it has always been the mentality on every Nigeria workers).

    But actually from your write up, I was able to understand a different side of the story, do I really value my job? What is that one thing that drives and motivate me to always carry out my job activities with happiness and gladness? Also understanding if my job environment is a safe place for my mental health.

    Further more, there is a part of the blog I read which say Taking action: Tips for building a fulfilling work life. The last point caught my attention coach, we saying no to every unbearable workloads. Most times during interviews, this particular question is always asked. Can you work under pressure? All we say is yes, based on the fact that we need to secure the job. I was also asked that question during my interview at my recent place of work.

    My question now is based on the fact that when I say no to every work activities given to me which i feel is unbearable or out of what i am been employed for, isn’t that saying i am not capable of my duties or the reason while i am employed? How do I tend to manage that situation?

  4. “All work no play makes Jack a dull man.” Thanks for this insightful blog that encourages balancing life and work which plays a vital role in ones health.
    I personally, do not want to joke with my health anymore; not after my experience with fibromyalgia. I now believe the best way to give out to the world is to “choose Me first.” Happy Workers’ Day, World.
    May Day it is!

  5. This blog post is an amazing and insightful one as I have been able to deduce the recognition of systemic challenges: The blog underscores the systemic challenges faced by the Nigerian workforce, such as high unemployment rates and the need for job creation.

    I’ve also learnt and seen that addressing these challenges requires not only individual efforts but also systemic changes and policy interventions to create a more favorable environment for workers.

    Thank you so much for this insightful post! What a thrilling and wonderful way to learn about the May day celebration in an irregular style.

  6. This blog post has significantly broadened my understanding of May Day, revealing it to be a multifaceted celebration of achievements, a call to action, and a day of solidarity. I have come to appreciate the significance of May Day as a catalyst for improvements in working conditions, skill development and training, social security, and benefits. These advancements are a testament to the power of collective action and advocacy, and I am grateful for the newfound perspective this blog post has provided.

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