Balancing Education and Employment for Nigerian School Leavers: Navigating the Path to Success

education and employment

Standing at the crossroads between secondary school and the next chapter of your life, a critical decision awaits: should you delve into the world of further education or plunge into employment? This pivotal moment can stir anxiety and uncertainty, with seemingly endless possibilities and daunting unknowns stretching before you. Fear not, for this journey doesn’t demand a single, predetermined path. Instead, it presents a tapestry woven from individual goals, skills, and circumstances, requiring you to consider the threads forming your future’s foundation carefully.

Deciding between further education and employment after secondary school in Nigeria can be daunting. Both paths offer unique opportunities and challenges; the best choice depends on individual circumstances, goals, and aspirations. Here are some key factors to consider:

Factors favouring further education:

  • Academic inclination and performance: If you have a solid academic background, enjoy studying, and aspire to higher qualifications, further education might be the better option. It could lead to professions with higher earning potential and better career prospects.
  • Career goals: Certain professions require specific degrees or qualifications, making further education a prerequisite. For instance, becoming a doctor or engineer necessitates pursuing relevant university degrees.
  • Financial Considerations: Can you afford the cost of tuition, accommodation, and other expenses associated with further education? Scholarships, grants, and student loans can help, but financial constraints may necessitate employment first.
  • Personal development: Higher education can broaden your knowledge, refine your skills, and enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It can also expose you to diverse perspectives and prepare you for lifelong learning.
  • Lack of job experience: If you lack work experience, further education can equip you with relevant skills and knowledge, making you more competitive in the job market. Internship opportunities within academic programs can also provide valuable practical experience.
  • Personal Maturity: Are you ready to handle the independence and responsibility of university life? Further education requires self-discipline, time management, and navigating complex academic environments.

Pathways into further education:

  • Universities: Nigerian universities offer various undergraduate programs across multiple disciplines. Admission is typically based on Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) scores and post-UTME tests.
  • Polytechnics: Polytechnics focus on vocational and technical education, providing diplomas and Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) in fields like engineering, business, and computer science. Admission often requires O’Level results.
  • Colleges of Education: These institutions train future teachers, offering Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degrees and Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programs.
  • Professional schools: For specific professions like law or medicine, dedicated professional schools offer specialised training programs leading to professional qualifications.
  • Skills Acquisition Programmes: Consider vocational training programs in areas like carpentry, welding, or tailoring, providing practical skills for immediate employment.
  • International Education: Explore opportunities for studying abroad through scholarships, exchange programs, or direct applications to foreign universities.

Factors favouring employment:

  • Financial constraints: If financial resources are limited, pursuing employment immediately might be necessary to contribute to household income or fund future education.
  • Practical skills and experience: If you possess practical skills or vocational training, entering the workforce can allow you to gain valuable experience and climb the career ladder within a specific industry.
  • Job Market Availability: Research the job market in your area and identify industries or sectors with high demand for your skills or interests.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit: If you have a business idea and the drive to pursue it, starting your own venture could be fulfilling, potentially leading to financial independence and job creation.
  • Career Growth Potential: Consider your chosen field’s long-term career growth potential. Some jobs offer opportunities for advancement and higher salaries, while others may have limited growth prospects.
  • Immediate need for financial independence: If you need to contribute financially to your family or support yourself, employment might be the quickest way to achieve financial stability.

Pathways into employment:

  • Formal job market: Utilise online job boards, attend career fairs, and network with professionals in your desired field to seek formal employment opportunities.
  • Apprenticeships and vocational training: Consider apprenticeship programs or vocational training courses to acquire specific skills and gain practical experience in high-demand trades like carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work.
  • Networking: Build connections with professionals in your interest and attend industry events to explore job opportunities.
  • Military or National Service: Joining the Nigerian Armed Forces or participating in Forces can provide valuable skills and experience.
  • Entrepreneurship: If you have a viable business idea, consider developing a business plan, seeking funding, and launching your own venture.


  • There is no single “right” answer. Consider your individual circumstances, strengths, and goals when making your decision.
  • Seek guidance from career counsellors, teachers, and professionals in your desired fields.
  • Further education can always be pursued later, even if you choose employment first.
  • Research your options thoroughly before making a decision.
  • Be open to adapting your plans as your circumstances and aspirations evolve.
  • Continuous learning and skill development are crucial regardless of your chosen path.

Ultimately, the decision between further education and employment is a personal one. It’s a canvas waiting to be painted with the vibrant hues of your unique potential. Consider the factors we’ve discussed, explore the pathways laid out, and most importantly, listen to the whispers of your own heart. Whether you choose the academic rigour of further education or the hands-on experience of employment, remember that both paths can lead to a fulfilling and prosperous future.

So take a deep breath, embrace the possibilities, and step confidently onto the path that resonates most deeply with your dreams and aspirations. The future awaits, and it’s yours to forge with courage and conviction.


How do I determine if further education or employment is the right choice for me?

Consider your academic inclination, career goals, financial situation, and personal maturity. Reflect on whether you prefer gaining theoretical knowledge through higher education or practical skills through immediate employment. Your decision should align with your individual circumstances and aspirations.

Can I pursue further education later if I choose employment initially?

Yes, further education remains an option even after gaining work experience. Many individuals choose to pursue additional qualifications or degrees later in life. Keep in mind that continuous learning and skill development are valuable throughout your career, and further education can enhance your prospects at any stage.

What are the different pathways to further education in Nigeria?

Nigeria offers various pathways, including universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, professional schools, skills acquisition programs, and opportunities for international education. Research each option, considering your interests and career goals, to make an informed decision about the most suitable pathway for you.

How can I explore immediate employment opportunities after secondary school?

Explore the formal job market through online job boards, career fairs, and networking. Additionally, consider apprenticeships, vocational training, military service, or entrepreneurship as pathways into the workforce. Identify industries or sectors with high demand for your skills and interests to increase your chances of finding suitable employment.

Are there any universal guidelines for making this decision, or is it entirely personal?

The decision between further education and employment is highly personal and depends on your unique circumstances, strengths, and goals. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Seek guidance from career counsellors, teachers, and professionals, research thoroughly, and be open to adapting your plans as your circumstances and aspirations evolve.

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Sam Soyombo
Sam Soyombo

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