Let us explore some questions that can help expand your understanding of this element.
The E-SHANARRITY model is a great way for kids to learn how to grow up happy and healthy. By following the tips above, kids can appreciate their own and Every child’s uniqueness: Safely, Healthily, Actively, Nurture, Achievements, Respecfully, Responsibly, and Inclusively, while navigating Transistions and Your emotions.
Now that you know about the E-SHANARRITY model, you can use it to be your best! Remember to nurture your uniqueness, promote safety, develop healthy habits, play, build loving bonds, celebrate success, and be a super kind friend. You are unique and can do anything you set your mind to!
So, kids, are you excited to keep learning and practising the E-SHANARRITY model? So you can grow up to be the best you can be? We’re here to help you on your amazing journey! 😄🌟🚀