Using E-SHANARRITY Model for Children

Respecting is like being a superhero who's kind to everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. We'll talk about treating others how we want to be treated and why that's so important.


Adult's Tips

Let us explore some questions that can help expand your understanding of this element.

The E-SHANARRITY model is a great way for kids to learn how to grow up happy and healthy. By following the tips above, kids can appreciate their own and Every child’s uniqueness: Safely, Healthily, Actively, Nurture, Achievements, Respecfully, Responsibly, and Inclusively, while navigating Transistions and Your emotions.

Now that you know about the E-SHANARRITY model, you can use it to be your best! Remember to nurture your uniqueness, promote safety, develop healthy habits, play, build loving bonds, celebrate success, and be a super kind friend.
You are unique and can do anything you set your mind to!

So, kids, are you excited to keep learning and practising the E-SHANARRITY model? So you can grow up to be the best you can be? We’re here to help you on your amazing journey! 😄🌟🚀 

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