Your Guide to Mastering Career Setbacks and Soaring Higher Than Ever: 7 Falls, 8 Triumphs.

Remember the infectious laughter following the bridesmaid’s stumble in the viral video? In our previous blog, “Positive Attitude Power: 3 Boss Moves to Bounce Back and Blast into Unstoppable Joy,” we explored the transformative power of embracing unexpected hiccups and turning them into opportunities for growth. Today, we dive deeper into this journey, focusing specifically on navigating the unpredictable terrain of career setbacks.

Much like a breathtaking tango, the road to professional achievement is rarely a straight line. Unexpected dips and stumbles – like Mo’s abrupt dismissal despite his stellar performance – are inevitable. But fear not, fellow career dancers! Although initially jarring, these falls hold the potential to become the most potent springboards for our ascent.

Mo’s story beautifully illustrates this transformative potential. He could have quickly spiralled into negativity when faced with unemployment and the sting of perceived failure. Instead, he chose the path less travelled: the path of introspection and resilience.

The 7 Falls: Embracing the Stumbles:

  1. The Shockwave: Denial and self-doubt are natural defences against the initial impact of a career setback. Acknowledge these emotions without judgment, letting them over you like the initial stumble on the dance floor.
  2. The Blame Game: Pointing fingers or dwelling on “what ifs” will only keep you anchored in the past. Mo bravely chose to break free from this trap, understanding that taking ownership of his actions, even the perceived missteps, was key to unlocking his future.
  3. The Doubt Spiral: Negative self-talk can become a loud echo chamber. Challenge these voices head-on, replacing them with affirmations of your strengths and resilience. Remember, Mo’s previous successes didn’t vanish with his dismissal; they were still the bedrock of his potential.
  4. The Comparison Cauldron: Comparing your falls to others’ triumphs is a recipe for discouragement. Focus instead on your unique rhythm, celebrating your small victories and recognising your progress, no matter how slow it may seem.
  5. The Fear Maze: The future can appear uncertain after a setback. But just like in the tango, embrace the unknown, trusting that your instinct and the lessons learned from your falls will guide you.
  6. The Stagnation Swamp: Inertia can become a dangerous trap. Mo actively sought growth opportunities, refusing to let the stumble define his next step. Remember, even a temporary step back can be a powerful launchpad for a future leap.
  7. Imposter Syndrome: The nagging feeling of not belonging can plague even the most accomplished individuals. Acknowledge these doubts, but refuse to let them hold you back. Mo recognised his imposter syndrome as a hurdle to overcome, not a permanent roadblock.

The 8 Triumphs: Rising from the Ashes:

  1. Seek Feedback, Not Blame: Mo’s journey began with introspection but didn’t end there. He actively sought feedback from colleagues and mentors, understanding that valuable lessons often lie hidden in criticism.
  2. Reframe Losses as Opportunities: Look beyond the immediate shock and see the setback as a chance to re-evaluate your goals and aspirations. Mo used his dismissal as an opportunity to experiment with different leadership styles and discover new career paths.
  3. Focus on Your Strengths: Don’t let the fall overshadow your skills and accomplishments. Identify your unique strengths and leverage them to navigate your next steps. Mo’s strong work ethic and adaptability became his guiding light in the uncertain landscape.
  4. Seek Guidance, Not Judgment: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who believe in your potential. A career coach, mentor, or trusted friend can be a beacon of hope and direction, just like the blue-shirt hero who smoothed the red carpet for the bridesmaid.
  5. Network with Intention: Don’t underestimate the power of connections. Mo actively built relationships with individuals in his desired field, expanding his network and opening doors to new opportunities.
  6. Learn from Others’ Successes and Failures: Study the journeys of others who have navigated similar setbacks. Their stories can offer valuable insights and inspiration, reminding you that even the most successful careers are rarely built on a smooth track.
  7. Celebrate Every Step: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Mo’s willingness to celebrate every milestone, from securing a new interview to acquiring a new skill, kept him motivated and focused on his ultimate goal.
  8. Embrace the Power of Failure: View stumbles not as roadblocks but as stepping stones to greater resilience and wisdom. Mo understood that every fall, with its lessons learned and strengths honed, made him a better dancer, ready to waltz his way to even greater success.

Remember, the dance of your career is unique. There will be moments of grace, stumbles, pirouettes, and unexpected falls. But by embracing the 7 Falls and harnessing the power of the 8 Triumphs, you can transform every stumble into a powerful springboard for your ascent. So, put on your dancing shoes, fellow career adventurers! Embrace the rhythm of your journey, learn from every step, and remember – the most breathtaking dances often begin with the most unexpected falls.

As your Career Coach, I’m here to guide you through this intricate dance. Together, we can navigate the unexpected dips, celebrate the triumphant twirls, and ultimately, help you waltz your way to a career filled with fulfilment and boundless joy. Let’s not just overcome setbacks – let’s master them, using them as fuel to propel us to heights we never thought possible. So, are you ready to take the first step? The dance floor awaits!


I just got laid off. I feel lost and discouraged. How do I even begin to think about moving forward?

It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed after a career setback. Acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself time to process them. Then, focus on taking small, actionable steps. Start by updating your resume and practising your interview skills. Consider seeking support from a career coach or therapist to help you navigate your emotions and develop a plan for the future. Remember, even the most successful careers have faced setbacks. It is just a temporary dip, and you have the resilience to overcome it.

I’m stuck in a job I hate, but I’m afraid to change because I’m worried about failing. How do I overcome my fear and leap?

Fear of failure is a common obstacle, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. Start by identifying your strengths and passions. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Once you know your direction, research potential career paths that align with your interests and skills. Talk to people in different fields to learn more about their experiences. Remember, failing is a natural part of the learning process. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks and embrace the opportunity to grow and learn from your mistakes.

I feel like constantly comparing myself to others, making me feel inadequate. How do I stop comparing and focus on my journey?

Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for self-doubt. Instead, focus on celebrating your own accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Track your progress, acknowledge your strengths, and set realistic goals for yourself. Remember, everyone’s journey is different. Comparing your stumbles to someone else’s triumphs won’t help you progress. Focus on your own unique path and celebrate the progress you make along the way.

I’m struggling to stay motivated after a setback. How do I find the energy to keep going?

Find inspiration in the stories of others who have overcome similar challenges. Read books, listen to podcasts, or connect with people who have navigated their own career setbacks. Celebrate small wins and acknowledge your progress, no matter how slow it may seem. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your potential. Remember, even the most successful careers have faced setbacks. The key is staying focused on your goals and moving forward, one step at a time.

I’m not sure if I need a career coach. How can I tell if it’s the right decision for me?

A career coach can be a valuable resource for anyone navigating a career setback. They can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop a plan for the future, and provide support and guidance throughout your journey. If you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps, consider speaking to a career coach. They can offer objective advice and help you reach your full potential.

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Sam Soyombo
Sam Soyombo

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    • I appreciate you bringing the issue with our website on Internet Explorer to our attention! While it’s true that some users might still be using IE, it’s important to remember that Microsoft officially discontinued support for it in June 2022. This means it no longer receives security updates or bug fixes, making it a security risk and potentially incompatible with modern web standards.

      To ensure the best possible experience for all visitors, regardless of their browser, you can focus on actively supported and updated browsers, like Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Firefox. These browsers offer better security, performance, and compatibility with modern websites.

      Admin for Sam Soyombo

    • Hi there,

      I apologise if my previous response about Internet Explorer came across as dismissive. I truly appreciate you taking the time to bring this issue to my attention.

      You’ve raised a valid point about the importance of IE compatibility, and I have yet to fully consider its potential impact on our website’s bounce rate. Thank you for highlighting this critical aspect.

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      Beyond my efforts, your experience and insights are invaluable. If you have any specific recommendations for plugins or solutions that could help resolve this issue, I would be incredibly grateful to hear them.

      Thank you again for your understanding and willingness to help. I’m committed to improving our website’s experience for all visitors, and your feedback is crucial in this journey.

      Admin for Sam Soyombo

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