Unleash your Passion: Identify your career desires and what brings you joy

1. What is the DREAM framework, and how does it help in career exploration?

2. Why is the Desire stage considered the foundation of the DREAM framework?

3. How can I identify my career desires if I’m unsure about what truly inspires me?

4. What are the benefits of participating in the Desire stage of DREAM coaching with Sam Soyombo?

5. How can I stay engaged and motivated throughout the DREAM framework process?

see all the answers below

Welcome to the first blog in our five-part series on DREAM, a framework designed to guide you towards a fulfilling career that sparks your passion! This introductory exploration focuses on the first crucial step: Desire. Buckle up, dreamers, as we embark on a journey of self-discovery!

What is the DREAM framework, and how does it help in career exploration?

The DREAM framework is a five-stage approach to help individuals find fulfilling careers. It includes methods for self-discovery, goal-setting, and action planning.

Identifying Your Career Desires: More Than Just a Job

Imagine a career that doesn’t feel like a chore. A career that makes you jump out of bed every morning, eager to tackle the day. That’s what unleashing your passion is all about. It’s not just about finding a job; it’s about finding a calling.

But how do you identify what DREAM truly resonates with your soul? It is where the DREAM framework comes in, offering a structured approach to unlock your potential:

Desire: Uncover the deepest longings that fuel your career aspirations.

Rate: Prioritise your desires and assess their feasibility.

Evaluate: Explore options and identify paths that align with your desires.

Act: Craft a personalised action plan to bring your dreams to life.

Make it Happen: Celebrate successes, overcome challenges, and continuously evolve.

Why is the Desire stage considered the foundation of the DREAM framework?

“Discovering your deepest professional desires in the Desire stage is crucial for aligning your career path with your authentic self.”

This blog delves into the Desire stage, the framework’s foundation. It’s all about crystalising what truly sets your soul on fire professionally.

Exploring Desire: A Deep Dive with DREAM Career Coaching

Imagine yourself sitting down with a DREAM Career Coach, a guide in your journey of self-discovery. Here’s a glimpse into how such a session might unfold:

  1. Unveiling Your Values: The coach starts by helping you uncover your core values. What matters most to you in life? Do you prioritise creativity, stability, impact, or intellectual stimulation? Identifying these guiding principles forms the bedrock of your desired career landscape.
  2. Sparkling Interests: Next, you embark on a voyage of exploration through your natural inclinations and interests. What activities energise you? What topics pique your curiosity? Do you enjoy working independently or in teams? Exploring your inherent fascinations reveals potential paths that resonate with your inner self.
  3. Skills & Strengths Inventory: It’s time to take stock of your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? What skills have you honed through experience? Recognising your potential allows you to identify careers where you can thrive and contribute meaningfully.
  4. Visioning Your Ideal Day: Close your eyes and imagine your perfect work day. What tasks light you up? What kind of environment feels invigorating? This visualisation exercise clarifies your desires on a practical level, providing a concrete target for your career aspirations.

How can I identify my career desires if I’m unsure about what truly inspires me?

Reflecting on your values, interests, and strengths can help you explore your career desires. Work with a Career Coach or engage in self-assessment exercises for clarity and insight.

Preparing for Sam Soyombo Coaching:

Participating in the Desire stage lays the groundwork for deeper exploration in future DREAM coaching sessions with Sam Soyombo. Here’s how:

1. Clarity for Focused Support: A clear understanding of your desires allows Sam to tailor his guidance to your needs. He can delve deeper into specific career paths, resources, and strategies aligned with your unique aspirations.

 2. Confidence for Open Communication: When you know what you want, it’s easier to articulate your needs and ask relevant questions. It fosters a collaborative and practical coaching experience, allowing Sam to provide the most impactful support. 

3. A Head Start on Resources: Our SamSoyombo website and group coaching communities offer valuable resources. By clarifying your desires, you can navigate these resources effectively, finding valuable guidance and support even before your session.

What are the benefits of participating in the Desire stage of DREAM coaching with Sam Soyombo?

Participating in Desire stage with Sam Soyombo provides clarity, confidence, and access to tailored resources, fostering communication and a head start on resource utilization.
Ready to Unleash Your Passion?

The journey to a fulfilling career begins with unlocking your desires. By embarking on this self-discovery process, you equip yourself with the compass to navigate the exciting world of career possibilities. Remember, this is just the first step of the DREAM framework. Stay tuned for the next blog, where we dive into the Rate stage, helping you prioritise your desires and assess their feasibility!

How can I stay engaged and motivated throughout the DREAM framework process?

To stay engaged, set achievable goals, stay open to self-discovery, seek support from peers and mentors, celebrate progress, and stay connected with the DREAM community while revisiting goals for inspiration.

Are you ready to join us on this transformative journey? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let’s embark on this adventure together!

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Sam Soyombo
Sam Soyombo

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