Messy Church

Love Citadel is a ministry born out of the vision to reach the world with the Love of Jesus, to meet the fundamental need of mankind – Fellowship with God.

Ministering Sunday

Ministering Sunday is on the 2nd Sunday of every month. Folks in the community who are unable to make it to church are visited and blessed with a basket of fruits.

De'Light Ministries

This is the Sunday School Arm of the De’Light ministries which focuses on the weekly services with kids in the church and the community. We spend a lot of time with the children…

Our Vision

Love Citadel is a ministry born out of the vision to reach the world with the Love of Jesus, to meet the fundamental need of mankind – Fellowship with God. We believe that man was made to thrive in a fellowship and environment of Love.

Our statement of faith lists our core beliefs, founded on faith in the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and is the only way to God.

To see God’s Love positively change individuals and families in our communities via the power of the Gospel – the good news of Jesus.

To show Gods Love to all and continuously proclaim a positive message of love, hope and peace to our communities

We will achieve our mission through our 5-point Goal Strategy.

The Team

A little bit of History…

Hope and Bunmi Okhuoya are Pastors at Love Citadel Church.

They have been married for over 13 years and love God with all their heart. They are humble and approachable. They both believe in prayers, teach the word of God and the truth that Jesus is the only way to God and that he died for all.

The call of God to start Love Citadel came one cold Autumn night in Edinburgh Scotland in 2014 while Hope was in a hotel attending a work training. After pondering over the vision for 2 years, they finally decided to take the step of faith and start Love Citadel Ministries in 2016.

God led them to Cove Community in Aberdeen Scotland where the Altens community Centre was available for use on a Sunday morning. The church started at humble beginnings of just 2 adults and 3 children.

Since then, God has used the ministry to affect many lives and families within the community across all generations – from the young to the elderly.

Hope Okhuoya


My name is Hope Okhuoya and I am the Pastor at Love Citadel Church. I am an Engineer and happily married with three kids. I am passionate about the Kingdom of God and love helping people. I also believe the Church should be a place where love is experienced, and needs are met... - Continue reading

Bunmi Okhuoya


My name is Bunmi Okhuoya and I am the Sunday School teacher at Love Citadel Church. I am passionate about God and love helping people to know God. I am a registered nurse with the desire to reach out and help people in the community. I got to know the Lord deeper as a... - Continue reading

Statement of Faith

4. Embracing Eternal Life Together

We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal life of the believer and the separation of the lost.

5. Embracing Salvation Through Faith

We believe in personal salvation of believers through faith and belief in the name and power of Jesus Christ.

6. Embracing Christ's Cleansing Power

We believe in sanctification by the blood of Christ and in personal holiness of the heart and life.

7. Spirit-Baptism: Tongues & Gifts

We believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, accompanied by the physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance, as distinct from the new birth, and in the nine gifts of the Spirit, as now available to believers.

8. Miracles through Faith: Divine Healing

We believe in miracles and divine healing through faith and that healing is included in the Atonement Jesus Christ provides

9. Embracing Christ's Glorious Return

We believe in the Christian’s hope – the imminent, personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ

10. Global Mission: Sharing Jesus' Salvation

We believe in world evangelisation and missionary work in accordance with the Great Commission to reach others with the good news of the salvation Jesus provides with miracles following.

5-Point Strategy

1. Fellowship with God: Our Core Purpose – To restore a personal Relationship between God and Man. 1 Cor 1:9 – We are called into fellowship with Jesus His Son.

2. Great Commission:  Our Core Task – Mark 16:15 – Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! We are a church on the GO!

3. Discipleship: Luke 6:40 ‘A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher.’ Our goal is to be perfectly trained. Then we will be like Him!

4. Love: John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. We will create and live in an environment of Love and Unity!

5. Fun: There is FUN in serving God! Fun that keeps you coming back for more! Psalm 16:11 ..In His presence is the fullness of Joy!!!


Service Times


Sunday Mornings

10:30 am click the button below to join our fellowship via zoom. Adult service plus a Kids fun Sunday school and a Teens Sunday school.

Wednesday Evenings

6:00 pm – Bible Study via zoom ( adults and kids)

Holy Communion Service

10:30 am – Every First Sunday of the Month via zoom please click the button below to join us.

Messy Church

10:30 am – Every Last Sunday of the Month via zoom.

Venue: Currently via Zoom.

Altens Community Centre
Strathburn Street, Cove Bay
Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
AB12 3SE

Messy Church

Messy Church is a fun way of learning about God’s love in a safe, relaxing and friendly environment by doing messy activities! Its suitable for all ages and every member of the family. It holds on the Last Sunday of Every Month at 10:30 a.m and all are welcome to attend.

Come and experience the Bible come alive via puppetry, songs, crafts, gospel magic, games and much more!!!

Messy Church is suitable for all ages and it provides an atmosphere for parents and children to take time out of busy routines of life to do something together.

After Messy Time, we all usually sit down and have a meal together, during which we chat and share experiences while some of the kids play in the playground supervised by a few adults.

Email or text us at 07850566265 or check our Facebook page for more information.

Ministering Sunday

Ministering Sunday happens one Sunday every month where we take time out to visit folk in the community who may not be able to make it down to church for one reason or the other.

It often involves a short visit of fellowship with a basket of fruit taken along for the visit!

‘We always feel very fulfilled after each visit as we often leave knowing we have put a smile on someone’s face and added a little bit of heaven to people’s lives’ – Bunmi

If you would like to be a part of this great ministry, please contact Bunmi on 07850566265 or by email – [email protected]


De'Light Ministries

De'Light Sunday School

This is the Sunday School Arm of the De’Light ministries which focuses on the weekly services with kids in the church and the community. In De’Light SS, we are raising up the next generation in the fear of God. We spend a lot of time with the children as we believe they are the potential for the world we will like to see. Children are a message we send to the world we may never see. So we fill them with the truth of God word at an early age to get them ready to change their influence others for God

De'Light Summer Camp

De’Light summer camp will hold during the summer holidays. Love Citadel Kids along with kids from the community will be meeting for a fun-filled time while experiencing God’s love. The camp will initially run morning sessions (9-12 noon) for a period of 1 week. We look forward to our maiden edition next summer. Watch this space!

Compassion UK

Compassion is a leading children’s charity we are proud to Partner with in Love Citadel Church. Compassion UK have a relentless passion to act on compassion and empower every child left vulnerable by poverty. The approach to fighting poverty is highly focused and personal. It’s summed up in three simple words: Compassion for children.

At Love Citadel, We have a slogan, “Changed people, Changing the world! And by partnering with Compassion UK we are not only changing the world now but we are changing the world of the Future by affecting the lives of these kids.

We currently sponsor a few kids from various countries all over the world and we would love to sponsor more. If you would like to support this great ministry kindly contact Hope on 07825547288 or at [email protected].

To find out more about Compassion, visit the compassion website.

Sue Ryder

Sue Ryder’s Dee View Court located in Kincorth community here in Aberdeen strives to deliver remarkable 24-hour care and support to people living with complex needs and neurological conditions. As Scotland’s only purpose-built specialist neurological care center, the demand for a place at Dee View Court is high, and there is a waiting list that never gets any shorter.


Love Citadel Church has partnered with Sue Ryder Dee View Court to assist them in raising £3.9 million to extend Dee View Court, to build new specially adapted rooms and apartments, and expand the facility to be able to care for a further 20 people.

If you would like to support this great work in our community kindly contact Hope on 07825547288 or at [email protected].

To find out more about Sue Ryder and the Dee View Court Appeal project visit the Sue Ryder's website.

Altens Community Over 50's Bingo Group

At Love Citadel Church we believe people of every age are precious in his eyes! We also believe that as long as you have a tomorrow you are a youth today! No matter your age… That’s why we are engaged with the Over 50’s group who meet weekly at Altens Community Centre. We help provide a basket of fruits weekly and extend an arm of fellowship to them to make their time at Bingo pleasurable.

We really believe in impacting our immediate environment just as Jesus did and we are always looking for opportunities to be a blessing to our world.

If you would like to support or be a part of this great outreach or if you have other ideas of how we can bless the community, kindly get in touch with Hope on 07825547288 or at [email protected].

We are indeed changed people, changing our world!

Contact Us

Love Citadel

Altens Community Centre
Strathburn Street, Cove Bay
AB12 3SE

Tel: 07825547

Email Us: [email protected] 

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